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And now for something a little different
December 28, 2023
Where Waters Meet by Zhang Ling My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book made me learn new words, new geography, new history. I was always searching previous chapters to find the foreshadowing of new events....Read More

Tomato-Tuna Melt
November 1, 2021
We had an early frost so I had many large tomatoes ripening on the window sills. Several ripened at once and needed to be used so we created this recipe on the fly. We liked it. Try it and tell us wha...Read More

Venison for Lunch
November 21, 2020
Venison for lunch? Yes, — this quick(ish) crockpot meal cooks while you are in your tree-stand or toodling around working from home. We used (mostly) thawed 2-lb venison roast set in the p...Read More