By jean Tomato-Tuna Melt We had an early frost so I had many large tomatoes ripening on the window sills. Several ripened at once and needed to be used so we created this recContinue Reading→
By jean Venison for Lunch Venison for lunch? Yes, -- this quick(ish) crockpot meal cooks while you are in your tree-stand or toodling around working from home. We used (mostlyContinue Reading→
By jean Venison, Sweet-Potato Chili with Chipotle This venison slow-cooker recipe combines the appeal of sweet-potatoes with spicy chipotle heat. If you require less spice, lessen the added chili powdContinue Reading→
By jean Fresh Blueberry Muffins [caption id="attachment_1348" align="alignleft" width="283"] Blueberry muffin recipe.[/caption] Some notes on the blueberry muffins made after a trContinue Reading→
By jean Spicy Sweet Potatoes :) Yumm! [caption id="attachment_427" align="alignleft" width="401"] spicy![/caption] I wasn't going to cook for Thanksgiving...Continue Reading→